Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Economy, Materiality and Sensibility

'Junk' sculpture
Tim Barnes - 'Bin Tower' - 2010

Economy and ideas relating to worth proves to be a creatively fertile area in which I produce work. The questionable aesthetic is something I find exciting, It may in some cases determine the 'success' of an artwork. 

Good Bad Painting / Bad Good Painting. 
A painting seems to me to be an object. Relating closest to that of a sculptural, Fine Art object. The actual painting is only usually applied onto one surface of this object. In this case, the painting might exist at the expense of the sculpture. (The sculpture, being the unprimed and unpainted stretched canvas.) This can of course be considered beautiful, and indeed is, however if I was then to paint an awful painting with little consideration of composition, colour, line, e.t.c..., this would now involve two jarring properties. The 'beautiful' (good) object of the stretched canvas apposing the questionable, or failing image on it's surface (bad). This is an example of a 'Good Bad Painting'. Alternatively, a masterful painting on an unprimed shower curtain may be considered a 'Bad Good Painting'. 

Tim Barnes - 'Wheelie Bad, Bad Painting', Acrylic on Canvas, 2011
'Wheelie Bad, Bad Painting' is an example of a 'bad' painting painted on a 'bad' object.

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